From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Roses Are Forever?

Rose Bush Today

I know diamonds are forever but not roses. But do not tell that to the rose bush in the rain garden in my front yard. It is still in full bloom today and new buds are developing.

A friend that came over last night saw the rose bush as he was leaving the house and said it was a ‘miracle’ that the rose bush was still blooming. I said it was not a ‘miracle’ but the good homemade soil that was in the rain garden.

But whatever the reason, miracle or homemade soil, the facts are that the rose bush will eventually die at some point soon and rise again next spring. Roses, like all of us, grow and die. However, roses, unlike all of us, with care, come back again the next spring.

So if the rose bush blooms all winter it will be a miracle. However, if it dies this winter and with some care, it will come back next year. Maybe roses are forever?



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