From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: This Is What Revolution Looks Like

I will spend a few days joining thousands of persons from all over the Americas trying to close SOA, School of the Americas. The School of the Americas (SOA) is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Over the year graduates of SOA have been responsible for the killing and torture of countless civilians in Latin America while carrying out USA foreign policy in the region. A few of the human rights activist I met in my journey in Haiti will be present. (Haiti, Return to Slavery or Freedom).

So tonight for my last posting till Monday I present you with a article related to the struggle to Close SOA by Chris Hedges called: This is What Revolution Looks Like. Chris, from long experience had a very dark view of the future, the decline of the empire. However, with the Occupy Movement he sees hope for the USA. In Solidarity, Bob



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