From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Pulaski Band or Commercial?

Pulaski Band in Pulaski
Days Parade

My grandchildren were delighted that the high school band from Pulaski, the school district where they attend middle and grade school, was to march in the Rose Bowl parade today. Rather than watch the two hour TV coverage of the parade we taped it on our DVR. But before we could go look for the Pulaski band our grandson wrote on his Facebook page that the Pulaski band did not appear on TV. I guess a commercial break was a priority over this small town band.

Life is like that, what is important to us might not be important to commercial interest. In a bigger picture a symbol of this corporate control of the USA was the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010 that infamously decreed corporations had constitutional rights, the same as persons and that money was ‘free speech.’ Attempts to amend the constitution to reverse this decision have spread throughout the country. Today I read an article that the Montana High Court Says ‘Citizens United’ Does Not Apply In Big Sky State.

Overthrowing the corporate control of our lives in the USA will be a true revolution. The Occupy Wall Street movement has made a good start but will this nonviolent effort be able to sustain once it is ignored, co-opted and marginalized. In a true revolution, violent or nonviolent, participants need to make true sacrifices and be disciplined. Will those who seek change being willing to suffer and keep together despite attempts to divide them?

2012 will answer this question if there will be a true revolution in the USA going back to the values that made this country great, equality, opportunity and struggle for the common good. Or will the Empire of the USA continue to decline. We can wait and see or “be the change we want to see.” Will we see the Pulaski Band or the commercial?



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Page last modified on January 03, 2012, at 01:53 AM