From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: ROTC: Marquette Teaches Killing, Harvard Does Not

Harvard allows Navy ROTC facility
on campus

Whenever I spend a considerable time writing an article I tend to use that article for the day’s posting on, the Diary of the Worm. Today is no exception. I spent my writing time on an article called ROTC: Marquette Teaches Killing, Harvard Does Not!. On the web the article is only in draft form but I did send it out in email form to large group of people. I wrote in response to an article appearing in the local newspaper last week. However, the article is one more chance to communicate the message that Marquette is doing more than having a ROTC program in its operating a military base on campus.

I know this is a message that many do not want to hear but unless it can be shown that our conscience is misinformed on this question, our conscience makes us speak out.



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Page last modified on March 26, 2012, at 12:22 AM