From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Taking One for the Team

Some ants give up reproduction
and take care of the queen ant’s

Being in a sports season with the NBA basketball finals and Brewers baseball going on I am thinking of accepting injury. In the NBA finals and with the Brewers baseball team there has been a rash of significant injuries in the last week. Accepting injury and making the best of it is something a sport’s team and the individual player need to learn and do. Once the injury happens there is not much an individual or team can do but to learn from it, rehabilitate and go on.

Nature takes injury, like a wildfire, and does it best to recover. Consistent injury to nature and environment, as we are now finding out, can have some serious consequences.

In battle or dangerous situations a person will put themselves in harm’s way to save someone else from injury. Parents, friends, soldiers will risk life for love or duty. In modern biological evolutionary science they say that creatures that will sacrifice for the others, like bees, ants or humans have reached a higher level on the evolutionary scale.

The injury that I find it hard to take is insults, rejections, stigmas and wrongs directed to me. St. Ignatius of Loyola prays to God in the Spiritual Exercises (#98) for the “desire to be with you in accepting all wrongs and all rejections and all poverty, both actual and spiritual — and I deliberately choose this, if it is for your greater service and praise.” I find it hard not only to pray for this kind of marginalization but find it hard to accept. My instinct is to react, which only reinforces the wrongs of the accusers.

I need to be like a professional player, nature or one who sacrifices, take the blow to self, learn from it, rehab and comes back on offense. Taking one for the team or for self is the way to overcome wrongs and rejections and stay on the offense.



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