From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Saved by the Rhododendron

Perennial Flower Vase
with Rhododendrons

The weather was warm in the 60’s today and sunny. It was spring again. I say spring again because spring came early this year at the beginning of March and then went away and came back again a few times . Due to this spring on and off pattern spring flowers came early and then slowed down.

With the early March spring I decided to try to have a vase of fresh flowers on the kitchen table from March 1 thru October 31st. All started well with the daffodils and tulips but when the weather went cold and rainy again I started to wonder if I could make it to the next batch of blooming flowers.

But I was saved by the Rhododendrons in the corner of the backyard. I had not planted these exotic plants and since they do not come up every year had forgotten about them. When I was working on the trellis for the beans in the backyard I noticed the plants were blooming. It was just in time to keep the perennial flower vase on the kitchen table alive and well.

There are a number of plants ready to bloom in the rain garden. With the rhododendrons in the vase and in the backyard I should be safe to the new blooms. The weatherman says it will be cooler and rainy again tomorrow but I do not care. My perennial flower vase has been saved by the Rhododendrons.



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