From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Sound of Silence

I was listening to the PBS radio program On Being while in the car today and heard a person talk about The Last Quiet Places. He was a silence activist concerned about how silence, not absence of sound but absence of noise, is an endangered species. Inspired by the sound of silence I wrote the following:

When you are down, when you know people are talking about your back about your past faults and holding on to your weaknesses and will not let go, when you work on something you believe in but seem to get nowhere, when people reject and insult you and you feel down, listen the silence around you and know you are the same person that you are, have been and will be, somebody precious, valued and love and this fact of being can never be taken away from you.

When you are up, when everything seems to be going the right way, when whatever decision you make seems to be the right decision, when friends and family show appreciation for you, when you feel a deep peace in your heart, listen to the silence around you and know you are the same person that you are, have been and will be, somebody precious, valued and love and this fact of being can never be taken away from you.

Be you down or up stay simple, grounded and bask in the sound of silence.



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