From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Endless Planting and Harvesting

Backyard Garden Plants And
Harvest May 17, 2012

With the early spring this year harvesting food from the garden is coming as we are still planting. In front of this picture of the backyard garden is three bowls of yesterday’s harvest from the backyard, mint, salad stuff and greens.

The front yard food garden is going slower since this is where we are planting the food that needs summer heat and water to thrive, peppers, tomatoes, basil and eggplants.

Tomorrow I pick up my last Share food order at church, the annual plants ordered from the nearby Environmental public school and checking out the plants at my neighbor’s annual plant sale.

There are more plants to plant and more plants to harvest. I have talked about endless work on gardens but now we see endless planting and harvesting.



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Page last modified on May 19, 2012, at 12:34 AM