From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Like the Lilies in Front Yard

Lilies in my front yard

A few years ago a friend gave me some lilies. These lilies not only come back year after year but they multiply. Now in my front yard and elsewhere I have many lilies growing, all yellow.

Recently I have been trying to detach myself from various issues of justice and peace I have been working on. I am not trying to deny them, be silent about them or even stop working on them, just to detach myself, in a good way, from them. It is good to be concern but we need to step back sometimes, not to be inactive or silent, but to see the issue in perspective.

One of the reasons I took Bobsyouruncle as my email handle is that it is a slang English phrase meaning “all is well” or “there you have it” or in American English we might say “don’t worry, be happy.”

Another way to say all of this comes from the Gospel. A similar meaning is used by Jesus when talking to his disciples not to worry about life or “what you are to eat, nor about your body and how you are to clothe it.” Jesus says: “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.” (Luke 12: 26–28).

So today when I was trying to detach myself from meaningful issues all I had to do is to look outside and be like the lilies growing in my front yard.



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