From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: The Complaint

One day last week I was complaining about an attitude toward the poor that had been expressed to me. That same day I got a phone call from a friend who needed some emergency food. I also made plans that day to drive a friend to visit his mother in a nursing home the next day. As I was driving home from bringing food to a friend this ‘easy essay’ came to me.

The Complaint

“Today I had to bring food to a hungry person,
Tomorrow I need to visit a sick person,
Whenever will I have time for important things?”
Like going shopping or doing some writing.”

A quiet voice inside, Mother Mary, says to me,
“Bringing food to the hungry and visiting the sick
Are a few of the second most important things you can do.
They are more important than shopping or writing.”

“Okay, thanks for reminding me Mother Mary,
But if these are some of the second most important things I can do
What are the most important things I can do?”

Mother Mary says to me,
“Love God with your whole heart, body and being.”

“Okay, but how do I get to do this most important thing”.

Mother Mary, with a smile, says: “It’s simple,
Feed the hungry and visit the sick.”



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