From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Serving People or Making Money

There was another record breaking hot day here in Milwaukee. As the climate changes due to man-made changes some still deny ‘climate change’, some admit it but do nothing about it and some try to change the causes but are helpless. As with ‘endless wars’, drone warfare, rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the greater availability of guns only meant to kill people we in the USA feel are more and more frustrated in our attempts to change are ignored.

Today I read in the newspaper two stories, not related but related. One is how one of the Republican candidates running for Senator in Wisconsin lived in Washington D.C. for over twenty years and rarely voted in elections. He was an ‘edge fund’ guy and was too busy and on the road, he says, to vote.

The other was about a youth social agency, Journey House that just built built a $6 million dollar new facility. I had to check it out on the web but it was the same fledgling youth community center that I worked at briefly in the early 70’s when I was released from prison for the Milwaukee 14 action. From a storefront center started by a Vista worker it has grown into this major youth organization on the Southside.

Now based on the records of the two, if I had to say who had done the most for Milwaukee and Wisconsin I would need to say it clearly was Journey House and not the candidate for the Senate. Both had grown tremendously over the years but the candidate turned his profits into more profits while the agency turned its donations into working with more youth. The candidate asks for our votes, the agency asked for our donations. One, the agency, makes me proud, for serving people, the other, the wealthy candidate, makes me feel shame. Both have money but the candidate has more money since he made money on money not work. “Usury”, making money from money was forbidden in the early Christian Church while sharing what you have with others was praised.


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