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Living most of my life not really facing death, I have made up for it the last few years with the shadow of death that has stayed with me. Feeling ill again today I was mourning the loss of my poetic side. But in the darkness of death there can be poetry, dark as it may be.

Death dies first
Before there is life
The seed is buried
Before it grows.

To trust that death brings life
Is a blind act of faith.
It makes no sense
And is not logical.

Yet this is what we say
To every moment of day
That we give ourselves to
Completely and fully.

In illness and health
Death lingers
Ready to consume us
So life can begin.

Where is thy sting death
When we know you
Will bring us new life
If we face you?

The face of God lies
Beyond the dark veil of death
A light appears at the end
Of the dark tunnel.

Facing death is not easy
But the reward is great
For in Death we find new life,
In Death we are born again.



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Page last modified on October 18, 2012

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