From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: View from Costa Rica

View from window in Costa Rica

Patricia and I, Roberto, were blessed to spend a week in the paradise of Costa Rica. Despite an earthquake and lots of rain during the week we had a good time away from the daily busyness of life at home. We saw no political ads for a while and enjoyed the easy going lifestyle of life in Costa Rica.

Being away from the bombardment of events in daily life here at home helped me get some perspective on my life and work here at home. The ocean waves hitting the shore, the how water springs, mountains, the major pools, the flowers, flora and trees, black bean soup, animals, birds and iguanas brought us back to nature, our home in ourselves.

Yes there is poverty in Central America and there is great wealth of a few. Yet, unlike the USA, the contrast is striking and overt. In America we have great poverty and segregated areas like North Central Milwaukee but they are hidden and out of view. Looking for a nature walk we found a most luxury hotel on the water and right next to it a row of factories, which we would call ‘sweat shops’. Extreme poverty and extreme wealth reside side by side.

Now I am back and see more clearly how similarities are covered up in the USA or how differences are made larger than they are. For example, the Democratic Party and Republican Party are very similar in what they do but how they are made to be vastly different so to limit our choices. By being alike while seeming unlike the two parties and ‘powers that be’ can limit our choices by using our fears.

I will write more about this in the future but for now am enjoying the view from Costa Rica.



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