From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Vote or do not Vote

Vote or Do Not Vote
Does it matter to dead children in Pakistan

Some college researchers recently discovered the most accurate survey question for an election was not “who are you voting for?” but “who do you think will win.” The first question was right about 51% of the time while the other question was right about 85% of the time.

My formula for predicting who would win an election was to find out who had the most money and say that person would win. This system is about 97% accurate but with the changes in campaign finances, amounts of money and sources can be kept secret until after the election, it has become more difficult to say who has the most money.

Another way of predicting a presidential race when the incumbent is running is to look at how the 1%, the rich and powerful, are doing and if things are going their way the incumbent will be reelected, if not the challenger with the right about of money and media will win.

Using any of the three methods above President Obama, despite all the talk of a tight race, will win the election for president tomorrow night. Three years ago I could see that country was moving toward the rich become richer, more militarization of USA, privatizing health insurance rather than a form of universal health care, failure to prosecute for major crimes leading to the recession and knew that President Obama, unless he changed course would win.

If one looks on politics as entertainment I guess this presidential candidate would rate high with a lot of ads and hype, not much content but lots of created excitement. Fear reigns high on both sides with more fear than information of position on issues. Fact checkers cannot keep up with the distortion of facts we call ads these days.

Vote or do not vote is not the question tomorrow. Choices are limited and whoever wins there will not be much change. The question is will we continue to plan the reality game or finally stop and say No and Resist.



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Page last modified on November 06, 2012, at 12:46 AM