From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Children Die and the Conflict Goes On?

The children of Palestine die
and the conflict goes on!

The conflict between the people of Palestine which were on the land before the time of Jesus and the modern day state of Israel which was created in 1948 has gone on since 1948. The conflict has not been fair since the state of Israel has been backed by the USA up to 8 million dollars a day of military spending.
With superior weapons Israel has prevailed yet the Palestinian people with nonviolent and violent tactics have survived.

Before the move of European Jews, some Zionist into the territory in the 20th century Jews and Palestinians live side by side in peace and fellowship. Now we have a million and half people imprisoned in the Gaza strip of Palestine. Like all people imprisoned in terrible conditions they resist and rebel. However, as we have learned from history violence only begets more violence.

The roots of Israeli present attack on Gaza is the same as the past: when peace and negotiations get close Israel provokes an attack by something like a targeted assassination and war breaks out. Without an end to the occupation of Palestine there seems to be no end to division and violence in the Middle East.

Once we realize that the children of Palestine are just valuable as children of Israel or USA, that violence begets violence, that occupied people will resist till they die or find freedom the conflict will not end.



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