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Father Roy Bourgeois

Monday upon returning from SOAWatch march to close the School of Americas, (SOA) I learned that my friend Father Roy Bourgeois, the founder of SOA Watch, “received notice that the Vatican has dismissed him from the priesthood and from his order, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, because of his stands for gender equality in the Catholic Church.” There is an petition from SOAWatch. The petition states:

I support and honor Roy’s decision to follow his conscience. I support the right of individuals to choose to speak truth to power and stand by them when power chooses to punish rather than listen. I support the struggles of people everywhere to change oppressive systems and challenge inequities.
Father Roy has made the extraordinary choice to risk all that he loves in pursuit of what he believes is morally right. His courage and conviction is an inspiration and a challenge to each of us to hear anew the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…”’‘


The Catholic Church as more religions talks about the Priority of Conscience over Church authorities but when he comes to follow one’s conscience with regards to women’s ordination or gay marriage they condemn those who follow their conscience. I have a collection of quotes on conscience ranging from Father Roy, Dorothy Day to the Pope of the Catholic Church before he was Pope. Believing in Priority of Conscience is one thing; practicing priority of conscience is something else.



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