From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Next To Normal Sunday

Next to Normal Bowling Team

In the Catholic Church calendar this is the last Sunday in ordinary time and next Sunday is the first week in Lent. It is a weird time. Today’s gospel talked about Jesus being a King when he was being condemned to death by the Romans. The first two readings are from the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelations which are quoted a lot but no one seems to understand what they mean. During the homily our pastor read us a poem called Kidney Stone he wrote while recovering from a kidney stone operation (See below).

This afternoon our “Next to Normal Bowling” team gathered at a bowling lane to practice although we have no upcoming bowling events. We formed last year when a local food pantry was having a fund raiser by having a bowling tournament. At the time some of us had seen the rock opera Next to Normal and since we all considered ourselves next to normal decided to call our bowling team by that name.

I read tonight on a news update that the new Obama administration, who many voted for peace and justice, was drafting a ‘drone-warfare rulebook’ that already was being condemned by human rights groups.

Jesus being called a ‘king’ while he was being condemned to death, a Catholic priest writing a poem inspired by a kidney stone, a ‘near normal bowling team’ practicing for nothing, our reelected peace and justice president drafting a new rule book for drone assassination can only happen on a Next to Normal Sunday. Or maybe next to normal is the new normal.

Kidney Stone
by Pastor Jerry Schroeder


the best


in it





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