From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Learn from the Past, Live In the Present, Seek the Future

Salmon Fishing with fly rods

It is time to move on in life, not by forgetting the past but bringing it with us in the present and seeking the future.

Being involved in the Cry of the Poor Petition, the movement for Marquette University to stop teaching war and reflextive killing, killing without conscience on campus and finally understanding the inequality of some human beings, like woman in the Catholic Church, has been an humbly experience. I do not ever claim to have the truth but my ‘opinion of the truth’ is based on research, listening and reflection.

It seems many today subscribe to you have your opinion and I have my opinion and they are both equal and there is no need for dialog. I call it the “do your own thing” philosophy of life which seems to run rampart. Everything is relative.

We can learn much from the past, bring into the present and have hope in the future. But it takes faith and trust in God or a greater being than ourselves to live this way. Without faith and trust and love of a being greater than us there can be no hope for that someday “all will be well” in the future.

The past is something I can learn from with study of history, learning from mistakes and successes and bring that past to bear on the present. The present is all there is at this moment but we can seek in the present to live according to our values and beliefs.

Tonight we watched the movie Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, a film “about a fisheries expert who is recruited by a consultant to help realize a sheikh’s vision of bringing the sport of fly fishing to the Yemen desert, initiating an upstream journey of faith to make the impossible possible.” It is the story about taking what we know, living life in the present and seeking an impossible dream for the future.

Learn from the past, live in the present, and seek the future.



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