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“Drones Kill Innocent
Children Like Us”

My fellow Americans,

War: We have withdrawn USA active military from our preemptive war in Iraq. However, we left the country in worse shape than we found it when we preemptively started the war. Our longest war in our history, the war in Afghanistan, still goes on. However, we are committed to withdraw all troops in Afghanistan by the end of next year. Unfortunately we will leave the country in worse shape than we found it.

War on Terrorism I can report that our war against Terrorism has created more terrorist.

Middle East: We are still giving Israel over 8 million dollars a day to maintain their military advantage over Palestine and others in the Middle East. Where we did not demand a regime change like in Egypt and Tunisia there has been some progress. Where we demanded a regime change like in Syria there has been a lot of killing.

Women still do not get equal pay as men for the same work but they can now fight on the front lines of war, “to kill or be killed”, just like men.

Nuclear war: We will stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon but sadly North Korea and many other counties in the world have nuclear weapons. However, we, for the first time in many years, are building three new nuclear bomb plants in the USA.

Military: I am proud to announce we spend the most on military in the world, more than the next 10 military in the world combined.

Military Training: Thanks to our intense military training on our bases in reflexive killing, Killing without Conscience, including bases at universities, we have our increased our fire rate to kill to nearly %100.

Deaths in Military: I am reporting today that less active military were killed in Afghanistan last year than in suicides of active military.

Homicides are on the increase in the USA. My own home town of Chicago had over 500 homicides last year. In fact there have more citizens killed by gun violence since 1980 than all the wars in our history from the Revolutionary war to our war now in Afghanistan. However, sales and availability of guns has increased tremendously in the last year.

Economy: I am sad to announce it is no longer true that anyone that wants to with hard work can succeed financially in the USA. It might have been true but is no longer. Unemployment is too high but as more and more drop out of the job market it will be lower.

Education: We have increased private charter, military and voucher schools. Public Schools are getting weaker but if they do not “race to the top” they will be closed.

Poverty: You know we stand for the middle class. Sadly many of the middle class have fallen into poverty. I will not bore you with the numbers for poverty in the USA but it is bad. One of the hardest hit groups are the African Americans. I would like to thank African Americans for voting for me despite the hard times poor African Americans have fallen into.

Immigration: Since I have been in office more immigrants have been deported than any other time in history. I encourage Congress to work for comprehensive Immigration reform that secures our borders with Mexico, puts illegal immigrants in USA in the back of the line for citizenship after they pay up all taxes and penalties and makes it easy for the well educated immigrant to stay in USA and be a citizen.

Drones: Since I have been in office we have used drones, unmanned airplanes, to kill more terrorist, civilians and children than any other time in history. Of the over 250 children killed children in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen by our drones, to my knowledge, not one, from Khadije Ali Mokbel Louqye, age 1 to Nasser Salim age 19 was an American.

Now I know this is not a pretty picture but what can you expect when the corporations that elected us control us.



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