From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Cats at Play

Cats at Play

For a few weeks now I have observed a few local cats at play in our backyard through my office windows and those in the sun room. A few days ago I took a picture through the sun room windows of the two cats that hang in our yard. The next night my wife was awaken by the screams of a cat outside our bedroom window and then suddenly a loud thug sound followed by silence. The next days we look for evidence of a cat killing, like blood, but found none. However, the cats have not been back to playing in the yard since that night. There have been some reports of coyotes in the neighborhood but we do not know what happened except the cats have not been back to play. We will keep on looking for the cats at play.



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Page last modified on March 12, 2013, at 12:34 AM