From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: A Hint of Spring

Maybe I spoke too early about spring coming yesterday since today it was cold and rainy again. But I think it was just a rainy April day. The weatherman said that this April so far set the record for rain in the area. The drought has ended and now we just need more sun.

My life inside today tells me it is still spring. I got a phone call from Pat Jordan, an established Catholic Worker who will talk tomorrow at the Marquette Archives on campus, where I am banned. He and his wife will meet with me somewhere off campus for lunch.

I also got a call from a staff from The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, (NNOMY). We had an interesting conversation about the militarization of education. However what was more interesting is that he was calling me on Skype from Caracas, Venezuela where he lives with his wife. I asked him about the recent election in Venezuela where, despite being a fair and democratic election, the USA stands along in not recognizing the elected president. He told me that even the opposition in Venezuela have accepted the outcome and they were not too worry about USA taking action while the oil was still flowing from there to here. He made an interesting comment that Venezuela was such a ‘free’ country it was almost dangerous to live there. So while Venezuela becomes freer we become more censored with more limits on our freedom.

Need to get to bed early tonight since early tomorrow morning I need to get up to drive a few friends, one to the clinic and one to take her car in for a repair she is immortalized with pain but needs her van for others to drive her to medical appointments. Maybe the sun will sneak out tomorrow so in the afternoon, after lunch with Catholic Worker and doing the weekly shopping I can get outside in the garden before cooking dinner. A hint of spring and change keeps me going.



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Page last modified on April 24, 2013, at 12:35 AM