From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Around to the Beginning

Spring Around to Daffodils

Into the hollow hole of my heart
I drop deep down
Into the land of dreams and silence.
It is scary here but I stay as long as I can.
Finally I need to breathe, go up
And talk and talk till I cannot stop.

In 1969 as we were applying for marriage license I was asked for my job or profession. At the time I was unemployed and about to go on trial for the Milwaukee 14 nonviolent action. I thought awhile and wrote on the form, ‘poet and politician’. The poet was more accurate a description although I wrote very little poetry but the politician description was how I was describing acting on my conscience, not what we think a politician would do.

As I grew older I had many jobs and professions, advertising sales magazine publisher, teacher, youth minister, community organizer. Now, at 70, I feel I am turning back into a poet and politicians. My poetry is different, much darker and my politicians label remains the same, the need to act on conscience.

The more we go around the more we go back to the beginning.
Time rushes forward and around
Yet we must stop talking to hear
Where we are.



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