From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Keep Our Balance!

My body is getting old and tired. My eyes, ears and mind do not work quite right and need help. Yet I cannot stop from speaking and acting out whenever I see injustice or violence. It is just in my nature to resist war and to struggle for justice, human dignity and respect. It is natural just like a tulip in my garden coming up each spring to grace our presence.

I listened to a TED talk by a brain scientist describing having a stroke in her left brain, the part that orders things, makes sense out of things, adds meaning and definition to life. Living with her right brain active only she had felt a deep sense of peace and everything seemed to be one. She eventually got well but the experience made her think about what side of the brain is more valuable in today’s world. Naturally it is the right side, the creative and peaceful side of the brain, being fully in the moment, she concluded the world needs more of.

Like our brain nature is created with balance. It is only when we human beings mess with nature, like genetic foods or with our brain, by an educational system that values the left brain, reading, writing and arithmetic, do we get out of balance. Environmentalist tell us how out we have made nature out of whack and experiences of war and violence tells us how much we have messed with balance of mind.

How do we change the world? I do not know? But I know if we struggle to live in balance with nature and our mind, leaning on right side brain, we can change the environment to make it easier to be good. As the old saying goes “We are the ones we are waiting for”.

As we get older we need to learn more and more how to keep our balance.



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Page last modified on May 20, 2013, at 12:22 AM