From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: See Say & Do

While in my office today I looked through the windows into the backyard and saw one of the trees in our backyard that had been split into two look like two persons dancing. Taking the picture at the left it no longer looked like this but it still seemed like one tree interacting with itself. What we see does not always stay the same and what one person sees another person sees something else.

In the President’s talk today once again about closing down Guantanamo Bay and justifying Killer Drone strikes on Pakistan, and Yemen I keep thinking we have heard all this before and what has been done with both situations is not what he said he would do. He did not close Guantanamo Bay with an executive order as he said he could and would do five years ago. Sending Killer Drones to countries we were not at war with was not limited to killing certain persons who we call ‘terrorist’ but kill many innocent people often leading to more hate of the USA and its wars in the Middle East. What we say is not what we do.

Below are pictures of destruction from the latest killer tornado by Mother Nature in Oklahoma and pictures of destruction from killer drones by our Commander in Chief in Yemen and Pakistan. Both the killer tornado and killer drones killed innocent people and cause major damage to towns and villages. Can you see and say what destruction is from our US Commander-in-Chief and what is from Mother Nature?

Destruction from Mother Nature in Oklahoma with killer tornado or destruction from USA Commander-in-Chief in Yemen or Pakistan with killer drones?



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Page last modified on May 24, 2013, at 01:04 AM