From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Need To Sleep

Sleep in Jail

It is Sunday night I need a good night of sleep to be quiet, restful and ready for the rally and trail tomorrow to end ROTC on Marquette University campus.

This afternoon I talked with my friend, Jerry Zawada OFM, who was arrested with 23 other persons yesterday in Kansas City for ‘crossing the line’ onto one of the three new nuclear bomb plant this Administration created. He said that he did not get any sleep the night in jail. He told me that a fellow priest friend who has been arrested a lot for such actions, was dressed in suit. When he asked why his friend had on a suit the friend told him that when you go to city jail no pillow is provided and he can used his suit jacket as pillow. I do not plan to wear a suit to court tomorrow but maybe I should, in case I need to spend the night in jail.

Right now I need to sleep, wake up refreshed and quiet of mind, soul and body.



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