From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Mystery of Nature Goes On and On

Ghost Peppers

Tonight Pat, Joe and I enjoyed our Friday night Fish Fry at Johnny V’s and then came back here to watch a film, Public Enemy, partly shot in Milwaukee at what is now the Historical Society of Milwaukee. Before we left I picked a few ripe hot peppers, called the ‘World Hottest Pepper’, although we know they are not. We are growing some ‘ghost peppers’ considered by many as the second hottest pepper in the world. (See one listing of World Hottest Peppers I picked them for our friend Joe who enjoys eating Hot Peppers, the hotter the better. He ate them during the Fish Fry and although they were not the hottest he has had he said they were very tasty. I bottled my home grown spices, mint; basic etc under the label called Uncle Bob’s and the hot pepper mix is called Uncle Bob’s Hot Joe’s. I might now need to make various grades of hot pepper mixes.

Tomatoes are just starting to ripen and other vegetables and flowers are at various stages of growing or dying. From March thru October there is always some plants coming or going. I have some tomato plants in the sun room in pots that are still small but growing. With enough sun and heat they will continue to grow and be ready for picking in the fall or early winter, after other tomato plants are done and before it starts to turn dark and cold. It is great in the spring, summer and fall to have fresh vegetables and plants always on tap.

The cold and snow of winter is deadly for almost all plants, but with a good crop there are plenty of spices and vegetables, frozen or dehydrated to last most of the winter.

I have many observations from nature over the years of the Diary of the Worm and there are always more. World, national and local events come and go but mystery of nature goes on and on.



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