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‘Friendly fire’ kills British woman
soldier in Afghanistan

Today, a warm and rainy day before the deep cold and snow hit us, a few of us held what we called a “Teach In” about military training and Marquette University. We chose the time, 3–4pm at the Alumni Memorial Union at Marquette because the Center for Peacemaking was holding a wine and cheese reception for faculty and staff at 4pm in the Union. We thought persons going to that event would be receptive to our message. It was clear that the Center for Peacemaking did not want us present with our message of Marquette Be Faithful to the Gospel and No Longer Host Military training on violence, war and killing on campus. When the head of the union told us we could not pass out flyers without permits in the union and when he came down to room of wise and cheese reception to tell us again to move we knew something was up. We did not try to go into the reception but they tried to block us from even give faculty and staff our “Teach In” flyers on Catholic Church and the teaching of killing on campus. It was clear our message was feared by Marquette Administrators and the Center for Peacemaking.
Why does the Marquette University Center for Peacemaking so greatly fear those of us trying to Break the Silence about Marquette teaching killing on campus?

Although I resisted believing this for years about Marquette I can no longer find any reason not to believe it is for money. The Center and Marquette University fears our ragtag group and our message that Marquette by being the only college and University in the five country metro area to host Department of Defense military training on campus is doing it for MONEY. We cannot see the contracts between Marquette University and the Department of Defense for officer training program for Army, Navy/Maries and Air Force on campus that clearly state it is for money. All universities and colleges, under Federal law, the Solomon Act must allow students to be in ROTC in order to qualify for any Federal funds but none are required to host it on campus. Hosting the military on campus is a free choice Marquette and only Marquette makes in this five country area.

Recently the Department of Defense pulled its contracts from some small military training (ROTC) programs in the USA to spend the millions of dollars it could save on ROTC programs on larger universities like Marquette that produce more officers. The small colleges and universities, some who have been hosing ROTC since the 40’s on campus were outraged from the great lost of money that was being withdrawn. Universities hosting ROTC and JROTC programs in high school and the DoD Starbase for middle school children are the new Selective Service forced draft system. Marquette University is a leader in this movement to “train soldiers to kill or be killed.”


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