From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Lost, A Little Sacrifice

Cemetery in remote village
of Guatemala that suffered
a massacre

Today on the way to our protest against militarism at Marquette I lost my Guatemalan bag with the banners we accumulated in the last eight years of our resistance to Marquette Teaching War and Killing. The details of how I did this are not important and do not take away the sorrow and guilt I felt when I went to the Marquette library without the banners or the flyers I had made. I felt especially bad when the person who made all the banners the last six years was present.

As I stood in the library in the library with a number of others with just two signs, no banners or flyers, I thought that this was an unfortunate but not a major tragedy. The people I visited in Guatemala had suffered major tragedies, sometimes a massacre in their village. Disappeared and dead persons in Guatemala were a major tragedy, not my lost of banners. I can always make new flyers for next week and we were always more successful handing out flyers when we did not have poster and banners. Students were less afraid to take our flyers.

We need to rethink our strategy of resisting military training (ROTC) at Marquette. Just protesting in the same old ways is clearly not the answer and can be ignored by the administrators of Marquette. We do not need banners or posters but people, people willing to sacrifice, just a little, to get our message across that Marquette teaches Killing.
How can we effectively do this? Maybe the lost of the banners will make us think harder of what is the real nonviolent sacrifice we can make, not much compared to the Mayan People of Guatemala.


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