From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Waiting, Prayer, Silence and Racism

Waiting for the Bus

Waiting is an art and a necessary one if you are poor and marginalized. Waiting can be discouraging or inspiring. Waiting for someone at a Doctor’s visit or waiting in line for something can be rewarding if we know how to wait. As a young man in the seminary I read a book, Path of Waiting by Henri Nouwen, the spiritual writer who talked about the Spirituality of Waiting. After reading the book I waited one day in a long line to see my spiritual director. When I finally got to see him he asked me about my waiting and if I knew how to wait. I said yes and told him of the method of waiting I had used, repeating the Jesus Prayer over and over again.

Sometimes waiting can be excuse for not acting or avoiding the truth. At these times we need to pray and discern what we need to do, act or be silent. Action may require persistence and silence may require suffering. Sometimes we need to act and be silent. An example came up in my life today, where I needed to wait and discern, take action but in a silent way.

Now my eyes have been open to modern day ‘racism’ I am really need to practice when to wait, act, pray or be silent. Having the eyes to see and the ears to hear, in the case of racism, can be a curse or a blessing. It is a curse because of all the insults, accusations and negativity you need to endure to be true to your conscience. It is a blessing because you are empowered to speak for the voiceless and experience the peacefulness the blessing God gives to the poor and marginalized. I pray for the gift of waiting, prayer and silence but need to act when I need to act.

I can be and have been particular in naming racism as I see it in these postings and with my voice. For those who can hear and see I am blessed and for those who cannot I am cursed. Often I do not want to be in this position. In my mind I am no prophet or martyr. But being true to who I am I do not often have the choice. I need to be patient and wait for the right time and place but often cannot and must call things as I see them, like a child.

Racism is rampant in Milwaukee and to be true to my beloved city and its people I must speak the truth as I see and hear it.


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