From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Ode to Three Orchids

During this too long winter and cold days the three orchid plants in my house have continuously bloomed and kept my hope alive for spring. Now that the winter may be finally ending, I expect the orchid plants will too, hopefully to come back another day. Two of the plants I purchased at the beginning of this winter and one was a renewed plant that came back.

In these dark and cold long winter days I have been away from my gardens outside. There is something about the earth, flowers and plants that I feel gives me hope and fresh life. These three orchid plants have been in bloom for a long time and I expect they will soon die, hopefully to come back another day. But for now I must say in my Ode to my three Orchids:

Thank the three of you, yellow, purple and white
For keeping my hope of spring alive
During these cold winter days.
You beauty spoke to me and brought joy
During these dark days of winter.
Thank you my three orchids.


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