From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: God's Will Be Done on Earth

Girl we me at Home Visit of the
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

I actually got outside today and had a chance to rake leaves and other compost from parts of the garden. The worm hill still has a frozen top which is good since we have more cold days ahead according to the weatherman. After church today I was happy to hear an announcement by an elderly Vicentian from another Church about a petition he is passing around to keep the new St. Vincent Store out of Greenfield and in Milwaukee where we need it. I was getting to feel alone in this struggle but seeing the eagerness of people to sign the petition I felt new hope that we can keep true to the mission of the Society to serve those in need by personal contact. I took the person’s name, phone and email but lost the paper I put it on. Oh well, tomorrow I will start a set of new Web pages continuing the story about the Catholic Church in North Central Milwaukee with the reasons why a new ST. Vincent De Paul Store should be in North Central Milwaukee not the suburbs of Greenfield. If certain leaders of SVDP and central office staff will not listen to us maybe the city of Greenfield will deny the permit needed for a store in the suburbs, if it is God’s will.

The frustration of losing the slip of paper with his name and number on it makes me realize how, when one gets old, one looses and misplaces many things. For awhile I thought that, like my father, I had Alzheimer. I even took a memory test at a local hospital, and although the test was very hard, harder than the ones my father took, the Doctor called to say that I had no signs of early onset of Alzheimer. Thank God!

Working with the earth reminded me of another way of dealing with persons who are secretly planning a new store in the suburbs rather than one in North Central Milwaukee. Actually I can use a quote from Fredric Ozanam, the founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of how to treat such persons. He said: “Let us learn, first of all, to defend our belief without hating our adversaries, to appreciate those who do not think as we do, to recognize that there are Christians in every camp, and that God can be served now as always! Let us complain less of our times and more of ourselves. Let us not be discouraged, let us be better.” Spring is not coming as fast as I would like it to come, but the earth eventually will spring up new life and despite those who disagree with our way being true to the mission of the Society “God can be served now as always.”

If you noticed that all three paragraphs above end with statement about God, so be it. God’s will be done on earth.


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