From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Cows, Congress Persons and SVDP Board

Herd of Cows on road in India

What do Cows, Congressmen and Congresswomen and Board of Directors of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee have in common? The answer, my friend, is they are all, at times, part of a herd. Cows, like this group of cows from India, are part of a herd being led down a road. I remember hearing about how Congress Persons, like my own congresswomen, are at times of a key vote for their party, rounded up like a herd, until it was clear how the vote in Congress was going. If it was going the way of their party or strongly against the party vote they would be let loose to vote the way they wanted. If the vote was close they were told how to vote, of course if it was against their conscience there would be something in for them at a later moment if they voted the ‘right’ way. In congress they actually call it ‘herding’. With the St. Vincent de Paul executive board, all but one, are blindly following the staff and consultant recommendation to vote for 4–5 million thrift store and operation in the suburbs to make money for the poor on the complete other side of the city, North Central Milwaukee, the poorest, most segregated, most criminalized area of Milwaukee. They are acting like a herd not questioning how the Society will ever see any return on investment and trickle down monies.

I have written a lot about why it is wrong to make this investment in Mission of St. Vincent De Paul and SVDP by the Numbers]]. The vice president of the Board of Directors asked me to print his thinking on this investment. I hesitated since I thought it was insulting to the poor and marginalized but now will, below, print both of his emails without editing. I believe strongly in community but when it becomes my conscience or joining the herd I do not really have a choice.

Here is the Vice Presidents own words about the millions of dollars to purchase and operate a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store in the suburbs that in the SVDP flyer for local donations says: “We use your donations to provide gift certificates to needy families for free merchandise or sell at a reasonable price to low income and value oriented customers.”
March 26, 2014
Hi Bob,

Thank you for calling me friend. I, too, consider you a friend. Thanks for sending the article.

We have been talking about a new store for several years, we talk about finances at every meeting, and the format of several of the recent area meetings has been to gather into groups and discuss various topics including the store. In fact, feedback from those meetings is one of the inputs that was used to make the decision to ask Vincentians to vote on buying a building in Greenfield to buy a store.

You were not censored by anyone at the Council Office or on the board.
I think that the only censorship you experienced was self-censorship. You chose not to provide feedback until the offer on the store had already been made.

I think the best way for you to work at SVdP is for you to attend the meetings where your feedback is solicited. You and I differ on whether or not this is bottom up.

I would like to ask you to ask those you visit, “If Saint Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee had a way to provide my conference with more funds with which to make visits, and thereby distribute more goods during our visits, would you be happy with that?” If the answer is yes, then they would likely support a south side store.

Will you please publish this letter on your website?

Thanks. I will continue to pray for you, your family, and your conference.

March 31, 2014

Thank you for your concern for SVdP. I learn so much from your dedication to the poor.

The two issues you raise here are the council budget and the new store. I write this email to provide you with information about both.

The budget is discussed at every area meeting. Questions are encouraged and every Vincentian is invited. We have these meetings three times per year.

The finance committee, made up of several Vincentians from Milwaukee county with finance and/or accounting backgrounds, meets at least quarterly. This committee creates the budget for the council. Meetings are open to Vincentians.

The council board, consisting of representative Vincentians from throughout the county, meets quarterly. This group discusses and approves the budget. Meetings are open to Vincentians.

The Milwaukee Council, consisting of the elected presidents of every conference in the county, meets at least once per year. This council authorizes, by vote, the budget that the finance committee and board have recommended. All Vincentians are invited to Council meetings. No expense is incurred by SVdP of Milwaukee without being budgeted or approved by this elected council.

You ask about compensation. The answer is that individual compensation is the one expense that is not discussed at our open meetings. Our by-laws allow our elected president to determine salaries for our employees. However, Rosemary has established a committee of President, VP, and Finance Chair that reviews and approves compensation. Then the Council approves these expenses. Our Executive Director and Director of Finance were paid, in total compensation, less than average for these positions in the Milwaukee area in 2013. They do a better than average job.

Finally, audited financials are presented to the board at the end of each year. Vincentians are welcome at this meeting. There are no secrets regarding the finances of SVdP in Milwaukee.

Regarding a probable new store, this too has been discussed often. The Council met a year ago and voted to buy a new building for a store. Several Vincentians, members of our properties and finance committees, have spent countless hours trying to find the right location. We talked at the Council meeting about the need for the store to contribute funds to help us serve our mission of serving needy people throughout the entire county. Many of those needy people are on the north side so they will receive much of any money that comes from a new store.

All Vincentians were invited to a Council meeting a couple of weeks ago. After a couple hours of thoughtful dialogue, a vote was taken of the conference presidents, the Council. A motion to purchase part of a building on Hwy 100 in Greenfield passed, 28–3 if I remember correctly. The vote was a roll call vote so those for the purchase stood up to be counted. Then those opposed stood up to be counted.


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Page last modified on May 31, 2014, at 01:18 AM