From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Justice & Peace Back to the Future

Jimmy Pierce of NAACP Youth
Council with Father Groppi

Today, in preparation for our protest at the St. Vincent de Paul Central office of “investment of money belonging to poor” in Greenfield rather than in North Central Milwaukee I was talking with two persons who were present in the civil rights struggle of 60’s for open housing. She was 40 years old at the time and now is 86 years. We were talking about person we knew in common, Dismiss Becker and James Groppi and events we shared. We were both on the school bus Father Groppi drove to Resurrection City in D.C. after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Now at the 46th anniversary year of passage of the Fair Housing law in Milwaukee she is still active and says of our times: “We quit too soon and never finished our work of obtaining civil rights.”

This month is also the 46th anniversary of the Milwaukee 14 direct action of destroying selective files in opposition to the war in Vietnam and the Selective service system. On the anniversary day, September 24, 2014 we will be protesting on the Marquette University campus, the new draft system of education, like the military training for war and killing on the Marquette campus. (Part of the flyer is below)

In 1968 we were saying “No Justice, No Peace” and today we are still saying it. We are in the present going back to 1968 to move on in struggle for peace and justice in 2014.

Breaking the Silence for Justice and Peace 1968 and 2014

46 Years “No Justice No Peace”

Civil Rights Rally for Justice

4:30pm Wednesday, September 10, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Central Office
9601 W Silver Spring Dr

Join Ms. Lucile Berrien, Ms. Rose and Therese (Pierce) Williams and other veterans of the 1967–1968 civil rights struggle for open housing as we struggle to stop the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee from investing millions of dollars of “money belonging to poor” into a Thrift Store in Greenfield where it is not needed rather than a more modest investment in a Thrift store in North Central Milwaukee where it is needed.

Remember the Milwaukee 14

Peace Rally

September 24, 2014, 11:30 AM at 12th and Wisconsin,to stop Militarism at Marquette U.

On September 24, 1968 the Milwaukee 14 burned selective service files to stop the draft. Now Join Don Timmerman, Bob Graf, Joe Radoszewski and members of the peace movement as they work to eliminate the new draft, ROTC, at Marquette University. Marquette Teaches War and reflexive killing, killing with conscience.


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Page last modified on September 07, 2014, at 12:43 AM