From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Our Leaders are not Stupid

Perception or Reality

Now the weather man says we are in for cold spell with temperatures in 40’s to 60’s. We did not hot weather this summer and now are we going to skip early fall or ‘Indian Summer.’

The weatherman might predict the weather but we live the weather and that is what is important, the present condition. The same goes for the economy and the state of the endless wars and increasing inequality we face in the USA. Talking heads may talk about it but we must live it.

With the issues of what is the Mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is a microcosm of what is wrong with society. In the Society in Milwaukee as in the USA a very small group of people make decisions for the rest of us. The executives of corporations, the politicians claim to know what is best for us although just the opposite is often true. Take the ‘war on terrorism.’ Actually it is created more and more terrorist and now we have a new enemy, ISIS, worst than all the rest before them. It is hard for me that our political, corporate and military readers are not smart and did not know what the end results of efforts of war and killing would lead. People excuse politicians, saying they could not help themselves. Politicians, like military contractors, business leaders know exactly what the results of their action.

They are not stupid or people easily duped. Every time the president orders a drone to shoot missiles on a village, home or caravan of cars he knows that innocent people will die and more terrorist will be born. Tonight on read an article on the Common Dreams web site called: How American made ISIS. Now ISIS, the terrorist group, by awful killings is trying to excite us into a war of USA vs. Muslim world, something that would be to their benefit.

In the garden or on my lawn I know that if I over fertilized the plants or grass it will die. If the USA retaliates against countries, like it did attacking whole countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, rather than going after the criminals it knows what the results will be, death, destruction and endless wars. Our leaders are very smart person and know how to sell us perception as reality. Our leaders are not stupid.


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