From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Voting That Counts

Palestinian farmer looks over
his orchard of trees bulldozed
by Israeli military, yet
‘refuses to hate’.

A friend sent me an article today decrying The Death of Expertise. The author admits that ‘experts’ on a subject can be wrong that “what has died is any acknowledgement of expertise as anything that should alter our thoughts or change the way we live.”

This reminded me of my complaint that facts and history do not seem to matter much on issues and all right and wrong, truth or lies is a matter of opinion. It is part of the “Do you own thing” philosophy that seems to be dominate these days. It is not reality that matters but the individual perception of reality.

I am seeing all these ads for Governor that says the opposite thing on the same issue. The present Governor has created jobs or he has failed in creating jobs. I asked myself if I knew of anyone that might vote in the election for Governor that has not made up their mind already. I could not think of anyone. I asked myself the same question and she could not think of anyone. Yet millions and millions of dollars are being spent on advertising for each candidate.

I think all the ads are just to reinforce those who have already decided who to vote from. If that is true the person with the most money, the present Governor, will win the election as happens 95% of the time. This thought makes me more determined not to vote until we have open and democratic elections that will make a difference.

Even in protest actions, like that around the young adult sleeping on a public bench in a public park killed by a police officer. At each rally someone reminds us to vote. The mayor, DA or police chief who are stonewalling the investigation are not running for election and even if they were would it matter?

If voting does not matter what does? Today I read somewhere about a Palestinian family near Bethlehem that had their orchard of trees bulldozed by the Israeli militaryfor no good or legal reason. They have suffered other hardships by Israeli authorities but they ‘refuse to hate’. They take a nonviolent stand and keep on going without vengeance or hatred. Now they are really voting with their lives and their actions do matter. Now that is voting that counts.


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