From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Conflict Can Be Good

Someone I deeply respect told me today that they seek a life without conflict. They believe cooperation and collaboration should replace conflict. This seems to be a reigning belief of our society: Avoid conflict at all cost.

I must admit that no one, including me, likes conflict. But looking over history often it has been conflict that has brought change for the better. For example, without conflict of the civil rights movements where would minorities be today? Would woman and African Americans have the right to vote? Without conflict can we have a ‘free press’.

When I was a community organizer back in the 70’s we were taught that creative conflict was the way to bring change. Now community organizations shun conflict and confrontation.

Conflict I think is natural, the way of nature and of human beings. How we deal with conflict is the key I believe. Dealing with conflict by violence or ignoring persons does not work. Dialog and openness of mind turns conflict in something positive.

In Christianity the cross is a symbol of conflict. Yet by accepting conflict and holding on to truth and self integrity Jesus was able to create the nonviolent cross and through the conflict of the cross bring redemption.
Conflicts can be good.


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