From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Nobody or Somebody

After Election Day a friend text me from Chicago asked me if I voted for Mary Burke for Governor. I said “No”. He then text me saying he did not think I would not vote for Governor Walker so who did I vote for. My answer was, once again, one word: “Nobody.” No more emails on this topic. So I wrote this brief essay on Nobody.

Nobody or Somebody

Once I was a nobody, just another kid playing on the block on the West Side of Milwaukee.
As a young adult I was somebody for awhile, a famous protestor from West Side of Milwaukee.
Now I am old and back to being a nobody, someone easy to dismiss, but still living on the West Side of Milwaukee.
I am just another nobody again on the West Side of Milwaukee who was a somebody for a brief while.
Nobody or somebody? Does it really matter? Being who you are, true to self and living on the West Side of Milwaukee is probably more important.


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