From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Exceptional or Ordinary

Two Palestinians walked into a Jewish synagogue in Jerusalem and open fire killing five Israelis. The President of Israel immediately orders the bulldozing of their family homes. What would we say if the US President order the destruction of the two cousins involved in a Church shooting in the USA?

The head of Department of Transportation (DOT) suggest taking money from already devastated education fund to pay for new roads. What would people of Israel say if a similar official suggested taking money from education fund to pay for new highways?

President Obama secretly decides to extend the direct USA military presence in Afghanistan for another year. What would we say if President Bush did such a thing?

Staff and select suburban members of Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee take millions of dollars donated to poor in the city to build a thrift store in the suburbs and I get a letter from the local lawyer of the Society saying the Milwaukee Society will “use all means available” to it to prevent my participation in the Society. Does this make sense? White policemen in Ferguson, Milwaukee, New York City, and around the country shoot and kill unharmed African American males and do not face any charges. If a black man shot an unarmed police officer who he felt threaten from, would he be charged? The Catholic Church in Milwaukee can spend millions and hide millions in order to settle with men and women abused by priest. Is this what the Gospel is about?

There are many more examples of what I would call “exceptionalism” thinking. Exceptionalism is the perception that a country, society, institution, movement, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary) in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules or general principles.” (Wikipedia) This seems to be the thinking of Presidents of Israel and the USA, Staff and select few of Milwaukee St. Vincent de Paul, Police Departments, Wisconsin DOT department and Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

It is time for the ordinary, ‘next to normal’ and rejected persons of the world to rise up and demand equality with the exceptional.


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