From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Retirement Means Tired and Doing

When I retired from a regular job for pay, about ten years ago, I thought I would have lots of chances to read, write, fish and maybe even play some golf. Well that is not quite how it has gone. I was introduced to some great people, though they may be poor or ill, and was given a chance to provide what these friends need, rides to medical appointments, schools, vising friends and attending events. Also issues of peace and justice, right here in Milwaukee, came up and consume my time.

The other day, when I was 72, I jokily decided I would try to retire again. It did not last long as today I spent lots of time helping a friend with a disability move to adult family living house and brought another friend home from the hospital. In between I notified people of prayer vigils for homicide victims and doing a little on my appeal of my suspension from local Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

I am not bragging but just saying that often what you plan in life is not what happens and something better does. My advocacy of issues has caused me to be ignored or rejected but that is just the way it goes. And my driving of people in need has turned out to be a real blessing. I called by car the “Blessing Cab” and ask people to just leave the blessings at the door when they leave.
I am trying to cut back on my providing rides and working on issues, but not because I do not enjoy it, but just that I am getting tired these days. I often find myself during the day sitting in my soft chair and watching TV mindlessly, usually sports or news.

I was always a self-motivator in my various jobs as business person or youth minister. Now I find it harder to get myself going, especially in the morning getting out of bed. Once I get going I am okay but getting going in the morning is hard. I heard once that Martin Luther King Jr., whose birthday is celebrated today, had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning but once he got going he was energized as ever. I am not Martin Luther King Jr. and he was much younger than I; but I am an old man tired until I get going.

We are who we are but we can always be better. I can tell if I had a good day when I go to bed at night. If I feel gratitude and full of blessings than I know it was a good day, no matter how tired I am. Now, if only I could have that same feeling when I wake up in the morning. I guess retirement means being tired and redoing what you are good at doing.


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