From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Looking for Positive

My New Year’s Resolution was to be more positive in my statements and comments. Each night when I go to bed I feel a great deal of gratitude for the day but I do not think it shows in my talk. When, the other day, my therapist suggested I try being more positive I agreeded. Here are some statements on acts of kindness I have observed.

After the last snowfall I was shoveling out the end of my driveway when the snowplow had piled up the snow from the street. A city plow came by with his shovel up. He saw what I was doing and motioned for me to move aside and proceeded to take his plow and move back the snow from the driveway. He then went on his way.

A retired neighbor a few doors down frequently shovels my sidewalk or takes my garbage can to the road when I forget. Last week he came by with a homemade apple pie.

My friend Annie, although she lives with debilitating pain takes time to pray for me.

My friend Tom still calls me regularly although he does not need my help any longer.

My friend Ella regularly bakes homemade corn muffins for us. Before that she used to give us some of her beautiful homemade ‘patchquilts’.

My friend, Father Jerry, who I drove to the airport today, frequently, has words of encouragement for me. Many of my friends show great appreciation for the little things I may do.

Driving a friend home from the hospital last week he kept saying how much he appreciated what I was doing. I started to say, like the TV commercial, “I appreciate your appreciation” until he slowed down.

My best friend, Pat, my wife, showers me with words of appreciation for the little things I do around the house and for her.

Young children still smile at me in stores although many American parents are guarded about them looking or speaking to strangers.

My oldest grandson just chose me to be his Confirmation sponsor.

Looking for the positive has positive effects.


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