From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Care for Soldiers and Worms?

Winter compost and worm reservoir

I took some food garbage to the big compost pile, worm reservoir in the backyard. After created a pile of compost and worms around the tree in the backyard, I put wood chips and leaves covering it. The idea is for the wood chips and leaves on the pile to freeze leaving heat, food and worms below. So today I had to take some snow off the frozen pile, put some food waste on top of frozen pile and cover the spot again with more snow. When the freezer top melts some of the food waste will seep through to compost and worms.

If life was as simple as it is with the worm reservoir compost pile, we could just protect our earth with a shield keeping out the cold and keeping in the food, worms and life. But worms are simple creatures and compost is a natural product. In life we have complicated creatures, some who always want more and our shield is having weapons to kill.

It is not natural to kill. The military has invested lots of money to discover how the brain works. The military knows that killing person is not natural. Yet it continues to teach young men and women to kill without conscience, reflexive killing. The military knows the harm this type of killing does to the brain but since it makes a more effective way to kill, the military does nothing about it. Killing people to military seems more important than the health of the soldier.

The US invest money in helping military veterans deal with PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder} and preventing suicides but does not deal with causes of PTSD and suicides, military training and practice of killing that is unnatural.

If I do not place enough good compost in the winter pile and enough chips and leaves on top to freeze I know the system will not work and the worms will not survive the winter. We know that teaching killing without conscience is not natural and continues to cost veterans in illness and deaths. Yet we fail to do anything about it. A worm’s life is valuable but human lives are more valuable. Do we care more about soldiers than worms?


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