From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Driving Ms. Lucille

St. Ben’s originally started in 1908
as a mission to the African-American
Catholic community in Milwaukee.
the storefront chapel became a church,
boarding school, and hospital.

I spent most of the day today driving two persons. In the morning through the afternoon I drove my 86 year old friend Ms. Lucille to her bank and to rent space place. Her house had burned down over a month ago and with four trips we have gathered some of the salvageable items, especially her collection of statues and knickknacks. They are scattered at my house and another friend’s house and there is some furniture from the place her grandson will be picking up. Also since she has been moved way out to edge of city she applied for a debit card to make it easier for her to withdraw money from her account. The women at the bank know her and treated her with great dignity and respect. Ms. Lucille is an African-American woman who is a veteran of the civil rights struggle. She had been arrested, fired, insulted for work for civil rights but she keeps on going. Her husband was killed in the Koran War leaving her with two children and now many grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren. Also along the way she took in 104 foster children over her many years. She is a remarkable woman full of good stories, humor and blessings. I feel so privileged to be her driver at times.

In between driving people I had a good talk with a friend who shares with me the frustration of the mental health system or lack of it, in Milwaukee. Attempts at reform have made matters worse. No one wants people in crisis with brain disorders so they become victims and prisoners or die.

My afternoon driving privilege was to pick up my friend Father Jerry from the airport and drive him home to the Franciscan friary in Burlington. Jerry is only 77, five years older than me but much wiser and holier. He has been down in Florida visiting his sister and family and enjoying the sun and warm weather. Jerry has been active in the peace and justice movements having been shunned by Church officials, imprisoned for his service to poor. He also keeps on going and plans, with a little help from friends since he is very poor, to go to a major protest out West later this month. The rest of the time he spends in a very quiet and prayerful priory with elderly Franciscans. Jerry is also full of stories, stories, and like Ms. Lucille’s, has good sense of humor.
The funeral I went to yesterday morning was for an 89 year friend from Church, Westly. Westly was also full of pointed good humor. The deacon at the mass told us a story about the 100th anniversary of St. Benedict the Moore Church, mission for African Americans so they can be ‘separate but equal’ in the Catholic Church, Church members have been invited by members of the Wisconsin Club to a gathering celebration at this very white and privileged club. As they were being taken on a tour from lavish room to lavish room of the club Westly said to the Deacon, “I do not remember shining shoes here.” Once when I was talking about his going to the special Catholic school for blacks while a few blocks ways white Catholics students were going to all white Catholic School he corrected me. He said that his school, St. Ben’s, was not all black. I asked him what he meant. He said they had one white guy at St. Ben’s school. I never had the privilege of driving Westly but have for many other wonderful persons. I call my vehicle the Blessing Cab since most of its occupants are holy people that leave my car with blessings money cannot buy.

Now Ms. Lucille and Jerry do not have computers and probably will not see this posting and Westly is dead. So please do not tell them about it. I would not want these humble elderly people to get big heads, like this old white guy has. Driving Ms. Lucille is a blessing.


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