From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Losers Do Not Try

Google Earth view of street
nearby, narrower and wide

It happened again. On the February 22nd posting I talked about how a solution to a problem or a comprise everyone can be happy with is sometimes so close we do not see it.

I was driving to the drugstore to pick up a prescription for my wife, Pat, today when I noticed the street I was driving on, one block away, had one narrow lane on each side for car traffic and a wide, clearly marked by paint, parking lane on each side. For the cost of white paint we can narrow our street, Wells street, when it is repaved and still keep a wide street with parking lanes on each side. The paint would cost less that moving the sewer line, extending our driveways and area before the curb and would satisfy those that say a narrower street is safer while keep our street wide.

Now only if politicians and city workers used ‘common sense’. I will again take flyers to homes up and down our street tomorrow, despite our cold, but have a little home that it will change the predetermined mind of alderman and city workers who say we want the street narrow so it can be safer and want to make it like a another street in the area where despite the narrow street the speeds are high and you have to fear opening your car doors.

Some once said if I was concerned by ‘outcomes’ of these battles I fight. Of course I am concerned by outcomes but if I feel something is right I am willing to struggle for it, although I may be marginalized. Keeping silent would be wrong in my mind for the ‘common good.’ If we try and lose, so be it. If we do not try and lose, we are losers. Losers do not try.


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Page last modified on February 25, 2015, at 12:59 AM