From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Be a Fool!

April Fool’s day was not much different than any other day. Pat and I did some shopping and running around in the morning; this afternoon I helped a friend and after dinner I did some writing while watching a basketball game in the background.

Yet, it was an extraordinary day. I heard from a friend of how and his family are doing. The family has had some tough times but keeps on going. I played an April’s Fool joke on a friend and he, for a little while believed me. I cooked a delicious supper which we enjoyed with a favorite wine, which we found in the grocery store today. I took my elderly friend out today for her first custard from Culver’s. My younger brother called tonight to confirm his visit here next week. I noticed my letter to the 1%, What More Do You Want from Us, got a lot of unique views on the Diary of a Worm.

I had a friend who said he was a ‘fool’ for Christ and went around the country doing fool kinds of stuff. I have been called some names, one being a ‘fool’. One benefit to being a ‘fool’ is an ordinary day can be an extraordinary day.

A ‘fool’ does not worry about what others think of his or her actions which gives the fool a lot of freedom. So turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day by just being a fool.


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