From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Death Comes Slowly or Quickly

Death comes slowly like in day to day suffering with illness, poverty and/or rejection. Or Death can come quickly as it did with Dontre Hamilton in Milwaukee or with the 50 year old black man shot in the back 8 times after a traffic stop for a missing light on his car.

The inside of our cities, like Milwaukee, are suffering a slow death by racism, poverty and being ignored. Individuals inside our cities are suffering a quick death by reckless, senseless and random gun fire.

Some suffer a slow death by the hell of war, with injuries to body, mind and spirit. Some in war, like children, suffer a quick death by release of missile from a drone sent under orders of the President of the USA.

Whenever I suffer a rejection directly or by being ignored, I think of the persons whose voice, weak as I may be, strive to be. My suffering of rejection hurts my feelings but I keep my white privilege and rights and wealth it brings.

Where is the promised resurrection? It is spring and cold. As my wise elder African American friends remind the times for poor and racially segregated are growing worse day by day. When will the rejection of poor, ill and marginalized end? When will we stop ignoring persons among us who are struggling to survive? Each day brings more news of harm and death to poor and marginalized less food for the hungry or the election of the 1% Mayor in Chicago.

Sometimes I just do not know what to do. “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, a long…long way…from home.” Death comes slowly or quickly but it comes.


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