From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Tomatoes Taste Better Than Bullets

Which one would you rather bite into?

Summer must be here in Milwaukee. It was actually hot today, in low 80’s. Maybe now my small tomato plants will start growing up. A friend of mine who is chronically ill and always in lots of pain asked me today about getting some of the home grown tomatoes I gaver her in the past. She remembers the taste of the ones I gave her. I told her to remind me in about two months.

Another friend came over today and said he wanted to work in the garden to learn a little bit about gardening. Perhaps due to the heat or my friend’s physical condition these good intentions did not last long. There is also more to do in the home garden, an endless garden. The mint came back strong again this year and I had to pick it today. It is one of those plants that keep on giving year after year, the more you cut it the more it grows. Recently when I was sick my wife made me some homemade mint tea. I am not much of tea drinker but it was good and soothing. Today I picked and washed the leaves and tomorrow I will put them in the dehydrator and than in bags for freezer. For mint tea drinking friends we have got just what you are looking for.

There is also more to do in the home garden, an endless garden. You have heard of ‘endless wars’ something we have been experiencing the last 14 years. If we have invested the billions and billions put into killing people, destroying land into growing gardens around the world we would be loved not hated by people around the world. It takes a village to raise one child, so they say, but when you kill that child you turn the whole village against you. It takes one person to build a garden and a good garden can bring health and food to many people. If we work together building gardens we are growing power which can survive and sustain any bullet or bomb. Instead of ‘turning our swords into plowshare’ we should turn our weapons into tomatoes. Tomatoes taste better than bullets.


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