From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Can We Smell the Roses?

Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.’‘

This line about a rose comes from a poem by Gertrude Stein called “Sacred Emily” in 1922. However, over the decades it has come to have different meanings, the most common one being “things are what they are”.

Philosophically it refers to “essence” of something. It means something is what it is, or as country singers often sing “I am what I am”. In the bible when Moses questions the identity God in the burning parish the response is “I Am that I Am,” Yahweh.

Accepting things as they are, good or bad, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly in our perception does not mean we like something. To accept what it is and the first step in changing things.

If people, as they often do, say there is no racism in our society they can certainly not change racism. Accepting our powerlessness over something is the first step in 12 step programs. Accepting ourselves and others, as they are, is difficult to do. Often we can only see and hear our ‘perception of reality’ and we do not see or hear the reality.

In the Gospel Jesus often says “let those who have ears, hear and those who have eyes, see.” In a garden like ours in front of house I see beauty. But sometimes I just see a weed or two and miss out on the beauty of the garden.

Everything is always changing but if we can see deeply into something we can see its essence which does not change. Yes, a “rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” but can we see, hear and smell the roses?


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