From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Imagine Father's Day

What do you see in the cloud?

Today, Father’s Day, my granddaughter spent the day with us. She wanted to go to a beech on Lake Michigan so we took her to Bradford beech. My wife and granddaughter went to change into swim suits while I just sat there on the beach watching the clouds go by in the blue sky. Like a kid I tried to see into the cloud something on earth.

Imagination plays a large role in our seeing. A number of people could look at the same cloud and see a number of things. I am aware from observing children how much imagination we adults we have lost. Part of it is our education process and part of it is our believing and seeing what we want to see.
In the advertising world they say it is not reality that sells but the perception of reality. Advertisers play to our fears, like having a bad breathe or to our hopes, like buying a new car is sexy.

Sitting on the beach, with the waves crashing in, feeling the breeze on my face, absorbing the sun, seeing my granddaughter run into the frigid waters and immediately run out and allowing my imagination to be free while looking at clouds was relaxing and a great Father’s day gift.


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