From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: China Big Brother to USA

A young adult woman, friend who we knew since she came to USA as teen from Sierra Leone, was over today. She has family in Sierra Leone, who lived through the awful civil war and are now living through the Chinese invasion of her country. Sierra Leone is rich in resources but poor, like other African countries. The Chinese with bribes to government officials and doing a few things like roads and internet that serve their own interest is taking the natural resources, fish, rice crops and minerals out of the country.

In the USA China buys our debt and has a most one way trade deal with us, exporting almost everything. China has been able to use the best, or worst, of communism (state control) and capitalism (free market) to be an economic power in the world. While China has the second largest military in the world it is nowhere close to number 1, the USA. However, unlike the USA, the largest weapon dealer in world and with military intervention worldwide, China has used its economic power, communism capitalism, to be an economic power in the world. While we may be able to make war whoever we want, China can control any economy it wishes.

Years ago I used to refuse to buy any product “Made in USA”, thus not shopping at Wal-Mart. I still hold to this standard, especially with food, but find it hard to be pure in my desire. My Apple I Phone might have been designed in the USA but was made in China.

I used to say that young people should study Chinese; they certainly teach and speak good English. I was concerned that our country would be taken over by China. But now I think China is not much danger to the USA. Why would they want to hurt their investment,which gives them, at least government party members, so much return and wealth? China is now the USA’s Big Brother.


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