From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Today’s flowers from rain garden

Our street is being redone. We got all types of mail and papers inside the door saying we might have our driveway blocked for a while. My wife took the information seriously and as soon as construction started moved her car to a side street. I figured there would be all kinds of warning right before they blocked the driveway and stubbornly refused to move my car. Today returning home in my wife’s car we found our driveway blocked with street debris. My wife was nice about my stubbornness to relocate my car so now I will need to use her car until I can get out of the driveway. Being stubborn, once more, made me look stupid.

Being stubborn can be good when you are being persuaded to drop your persistence and perseverance. But there is a fine line between persistence and stubbornness. Being persistent is admirable but stubbornness is stupid.

Over the years working in the garden I can see what plants work and under what conditions. If I persist in growing a particular plant that is good, but if I persist using the same old way that failed than I am being stupid.

I remember reading, a long time ago, a line from a poet saying “Man is made to make mistakes.” It was refreshing to hear at a time in my life where I was a perfectionist and afraid to make a mistakes. However, I have found that making the same mistakes over and over again leads people to stigmatize you and keep you in a box even after you learn from your mistakes and move on.

We can learn from our own mistakes and from history. However, I find myself often making the same mistake and our leaders, political and religious, making the same mistakes over and over again. Life, like the perennial flowers that grow in my rain garden, changes but comes back again. If we can learn how the flowers come, bloom, die and return to bloom in fuller fashion, we can learn “where have all the flowers gone” in our life and what we need to do to bring them back. If we do not learn the lessons of living and dying and living again the flowers of our life will go and not come back. “Where have all the flowers gone”?


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